The next three meetings are at
1000 Monday, March 10, 2025
1000 Monday, April 14, 2025
1000 Monday, May 12, 2025
at the Korat Hotel and using Zoom Meet.

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Florencio Valenzuela
2 November 1934 -
28 March 2013

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Our good old buddy and comrade Val died this past Thursday about noon, and his funeral and interrment happened the following morning at St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery. He had been in declining health for some months, and was in St. Mary's Hospital with his wife at his side when he passed away. Val was a career Air Force NCO, and he told me he did his first hitch as a marine. He was well known and liked around Korat for many years, and was also active in the VFW and Military Order of the Cooties, holding many officer positions over the years . We will all miss you, Val, and will hoist a cold Heineken in your memory from time to time. Val is survived by his wife and daughter and all their extended family here in Thailand, and many family members back in the States.

Rest In Peace, Val

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