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Barrie Noel Broadbent
January 31, 1941-
November 2, 2020

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From his daughter Chandra Caballero --

"On November 2, 2020, the world said a final goodbye to an amazing man, friend, husband, father and grandfather, my father, Barrie Noel Broadbent.

Known by his friends and family as Mr. Blues or simply "B", Barrie Noel Broadbent was born on January 31, 1941 in Providence, Rhode Island. Growing up during the difficult years of World War II, dad watched the bravery and courage of men as well as his father, who sacrificed their lives to protect their loved ones and freedom, and found the opportunity to offer his own service during the Vietnam War as part of the US Army.

Following his time in the war, dad returned home and followed his passion for music and traveling - ultimately achieving his dream of starting his own record label Tree of Hope Records. As producer and manager, dad had the incredible privilege to rub shoulders with some of the greats of the music industry, such as Mark Hummel, Johnny Waters, Duke Robillard, Fran Christina, and Fabulous Thunderbirds.

While music was Barrie's passion, his greatest love was his family. Barrie had two children, Charles in June of 1983 and Chandra in April of 1985.

Barrie would spend hours teaching Chandra how to swing dance and danced numerous times over the years. Their last dance was in September of 2018 during his last visit.

Barrie dedicated many years of his life at California Parlor Car Tours in San Francisco. Where most of his closest friends worked and was also able to travel the world.

In 2006/2007, Barrie received a diagnosis that would change our worlds forever. In December, dad was diagnosed with throat cancer. Doctors found a left parotid squamous cell carcinoma that was extending to the supraglottic region. Rather than give up, he showed his bravery and courage by enduring weeks of difficult radiation treatments. Despite the treatment, the fast-growing cancer spread and was at stage four when doctors decided it was time for emergency surgery. The tumor was successfully removed in February of 2007.

Just like his bravery in Vietnam, dad was unwilling to allow cancer to stop him - and for good reason. His only grandchild, Christian, was born on May 11, 2007, making my Barrie into the beloved grandfather that we will always remember him as.

Following his recovery, Barrie made a move to Thailand in 2010. While it was hard for us to see dad travel to Thailand for good, the slower pace of life and warmer weather was good for his physical and mental health. We often shared pictures and videos of Christian with him from across the world - allowing him to be part of his grandson's life even from afar.

Dad fell in love and remarried in 2011/2012 to Nang, a Thai native that he met during his years in Thailand. Together they enjoyed many years in Thailand until dad received more bad health news in June of 2019. Barrie was diagnosed with lobulated enhancing mass at the right posteroinferior aspect base of his tongue - a malignant tumor that had appeared after being in remission for 12 years. Once again he endured this difficult diagnosis with bravery - experiencing radiation treatments for five days a week for seven weeks. It was this illness that would bring dad toward the end of his journey.

If there was one truth about Barrie, it's that he knew what kind of life he wanted to live - and he lived it to the full. Other's opinions never phased him, and he lived with such passion that everyone around him couldn't help but smile. His zest for life was contagious, and his quick wit and sense of humor kept all of us laughing. I like to imagine that we inherited a bit of his sharp wit ourselves!

Not only was Barrie funny and courageous, but he was a fierce friend. He kept a list of the important dates in the lives of his friends and family, and there was never a birthday or anniversary that would pass without a thoughtful card in the mail and a call on the phone. Barrie was a loyal friend and always treating others better than we wanted to be treated. He lived that truth out in the small ways - moments that many of us are only now beginning to notice in his absence.

We will miss Barrie, as he touched so many lives over the years. His spirit will remain with us in the memories and moments we shared - his laugh, his stories, and his love."

Comrade Broadbent was the librarian for our paperback and DVD loan libraries before they were transferred to the Retiree Assistance Office. Members of the post travelled to his home for honor ceremony on 5 November 2020.

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