The next three meetings are at
1000 Monday, March 10, 2025
1000 Monday, April 14, 2025
1000 Monday, May 12, 2025
at the Korat Hotel and using Zoom Meet.

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Thank you for your interest in becoming a member of Memorial Post 10217 We are always looking for new members and would be honored to have you as one of our members.

The fundamental difference between our organization and other veterans organizations, and one in which we take great pride, is our eligibility qualifications.

There are three primary requisites for membership in the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States: (1) Citizenship (2) Honorable service in the armed forces of the United States (3) Service entitling the applicant to the award of a recognized campaign medal.

Not sure if you qualify? The Post Quartermaster or Membership Chairman can assist you. Feel free to contact them with any questions you might have.

Membership applications require that you have “Adobe Reader” if you do not have Adobe Reader installed on your computer, you may download it at no cost, just click on the Adobe Reader Icon below..

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Please fill out the membership application and forward it to the Post Quartermaster, with an info copy to the Post Commander. If you are already a member of the VFW and would like to transfer your membership, please complete the membership transfer section of the application form and forward it to the Post Quartermaster, with an info copy to the Post Commander

Annual membership dues are payable, annually, on the anniversary date of your membership and are currently $45.00 per year

Life membership fees are determined using the applicant’s age as of December 31st in the year which you apply regardless of your actual date of birth.

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Please fill out the membership application and forward it to the Post Quartermaster, with an info copy to the Post Commander. If you are already a member of the VFW and would like to transfer your membership, please complete the membership transfer section of the application form and forward it to the Post Quartermaster, with an info copy to the Post Commander

Annual membership dues are payable, annually, on the anniversary date of your membership and are currently $45.00 per year

Life membership fees are determined using the applicant’s age as of December 31st in the year which you apply regardless of your actual date of birth.

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Member Transfer. Send us your Card Number, Post Number to Quartermaster EMAIL
Fill the form out, save to your computer, and email as attachment/enclosure to the Post at

All membership applications are processed by the post quartermaster. Upon receipt the QM submits your application to the membership committee who validates your application by checking your DD-214 or other source documents. Upon validation your application for membership is then voted on by the post members at the next scheduled post meeting (Second Monday of the month at 1000 A.M). Once accepted, you are eligible to attend post functions and the Quartermaster will provide you with a temporary membership card and process your application through VFW National Headquarters.

Life membership cards are sent directly to the applicant from VFW National Headquarters.

Click here for Membership Application.

Click here for Post Transfer Declaration Form.

Click here for Legacy Life Information.

Click here for Legacy Life Membership Form..

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