The next three meetings are at
1000 Monday, March 10, 2025
1000 Monday, April 14, 2025
1000 Monday, May 12, 2025
at the Korat Hotel and using Zoom Meet.

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William E. Chapman
Resigned 10 Dec 24. Replacement Action in progress,
Service Officer


My name is William "Chappie" Chapman and I am the Post Service Officer (PSO) for Post 10217 in Korat, Thailand. As the PSO my duties include, but are not limited to serving all military veterans, spouses and their family members. I assist veterans in understanding their benefits including Veterans Administration (VA) claims, pensions, burial benefits, Death and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) claims, and any issues concerning veterans health care. I also provide counseling about PACT ACT eligibility, filing new PACT Act disability claims and can also advise veterans about the Foreign Medical Program (FMP) available in Thailand.

I am always available to assist veterans and their spouses anywhere within Thailand. I can be reached by cellphone or Email, if you wish to contact me about filing claims, to request information about VA programs, or you need assistance in any military or veteran matters.

I am also listed on the VFW Post 10217 website.

My contact information is:

Post Service Officer William Chapman

The following bilingual forms are for use in preparing survivor assistance packet.
Thai Spouse Info Sheet (Thai)
English Translation of Thai Spouse Info Sheet
Survivor's Assistance Documents List
Survivor's Assistance Casualty Worksheet (1)
The following forms are added:.
1. ADSO Richard Bronson's VA form 21-22 fillable pdf template with his specific information, that allows him to legally represent our VFW members in adjudicating their VA claims
2. To list the URL for easy access to VA form 21-0966 that establishes a claims date for one year while evidence is being collected to support the claim and for reference if back pay is required.
3. To list the URL
4. To load the Guide created by our sister post in Chiang Mai so members can download it to use if they desire. Bilingual.

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