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1000 Monday, March 10, 2025
1000 Monday, April 14, 2025
1000 Monday, May 12, 2025
at the Korat Hotel and using Zoom Meet.

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December 2013
Christmas Party
Christmas Party at Wing One RTAFB

The Two Santas

We got a call from Pat, the Wing 1 officer in charge of the activities, that the RTAF was having a Christmas dinner and show for needy children and military families with children. What they needed were a couple of VFW members to dress up as Santa and give out gifts to the children. Seems last year some Thai officers dressed like Santa and the children told them that Santa was not Thai so a couple of non Thais were needed.

Junior Vice Commander Fred Berg and Commander Byron Petrides volunteered for the duty. The RTAF had set up a winter festival for the night’s activities. There were game booths and rides for the children. Our 2 Santa’s handed out gifts from about 1800 to 2000 hours. They also posed for photos as it seemed every parent wanted a photo with Santa. Following their performance they were then treated to dinner and a Christmas show. Much fun was had by all.

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